学术与升学指导中心 Academic Advising Office
Our college counseling team, comprising five experienced counselors, is dedicated to assisting students in applying to internationally renowned universities in the U.S., Canada, Australia, the U.K., New Zealand, and more. Starting from Grade 9, counselors provide individualized college application guidance through college counseling classes, one-on-one consultations with students and parents, tracking students' academic performance, collaborating with academic departments, monitoring students’ extracurricular activities, and creating personalized student profiles.
1. 与学生和家长交流沟通
- 定期开展家长升学课堂、课程说明会、升学讲座等;
- 从九年级开始,与家长和学生定期进行一对一升学规划面谈;
- 在期中期末家长会期间,开展升学相关说明会。
Communication with Students and Parents
- Regularly organize parent college guidance sessions, curriculum briefings, and college counselling lectures.
- Conduct one-on-one college planning meetings with parents and students starting in Grade 9.
- Hold college application information sessions during midterm and final parent-teacher meetings.
2. 为学生和家长提供最新大学信息
- 组织家长和学生参加大学展,与招生官面对面交流;
- 邀请大学招生官校访和举办申请讲座,分享留学资讯;
- 安排优秀毕业生和学弟学妹们交流海外留学的体验,让在读学生有机会和不同领域毕业的学长学姐交流他们所感兴趣的专业;
- 升学老师参加升学指导大会、升学工作坊、培训和会议,了解最新资讯。
Providing Students and Parents with Up-to-Date University Information
- Organize opportunities for parents and students to attend college fairs, allowing them to meet with admissions officers.
- Invite college admissions officers to visit the school and host application seminars to share study abroad information.
- Arrange meetings with alumni from the school to allow our students to meet with successful graduates.
- College counselors attend college guidance conferences, workshops, and training sessions to stay informed of the latest trends.
3. 大学申请全程规划和指导
- 升学指导老师指导学生A-level和IB选课;
- 根据学生未来申请国家和方向,根据学生情况,为学生制定三年升学规划,规划各类竞赛活动、背景提升活动和标化考试,督促学生完成标化考试;
- 帮助学生探索学习和职业兴趣,明确未来专业选择;介绍国家、大学和专业等信息;
- 和家长及学生讨论选校,为学生指定选校方案;
- 指导大学文书写作,申请材料准备,完成大学申请递交,面试辅导;
- 跟踪大学录取结果、指导学生选择入读学校,协助学生办理签证、大学选课、住宿预订、行前指导等。
Comprehensive University Application Planning and Guidance
- Counselors guide students on A-level and IB course selections.
- Based on students' target countries and future majors, counselors develop a three-year college application plan, including academic competitions, background-building activities, and standardized tests, and monitor students' progress.
- Help students explore academic and career interests to determine their future major; provide information about countries, universities, and majors.
- Discuss university selection with students and parents and help design a list of suitable colleges.
- Offer guidance on writing college essays, preparing application materials, submitting applications, and interview coaching.
- Track university admissions results, help students select the university to attend, assist with visa applications, university course selection, housing reservations, and pre-departure guidance.
4. 与学校学术部门沟通、跟踪学生学习情况
Communication with the Academic Department and Tracking Student Performance
Coordinate and communicate with programme coordinators, CAS coordinators, homeroom teachers, and subject teachers to comprehensively track students' progress and develop personalized plans for them.