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Science and technology create a dream color, and innovation describes a wonderful life


On April 2, 2021, Suzhou Industrial Park Foreign Language School High School Department successfully held a science fair. Science education is the pathway to motivate students for the future, innovate for technology, and promote the progress of civilization. Science fair is also an opportunity for students to express their passion and joy for science. Their experience of working together and overcoming obstacles will reward them meaningful data, let them understand the true meaning of science and the value of self-evaluation.


科技展的活动精彩纷呈:数学组神奇的魔术、化学组大象牙膏的独家制作、物理组磁悬浮模型以及喷泉等… 全校老师和同学们通过一天的参观和学习,领略到了化学、生物、物理、数学、活动五门学科的独特魅力。

The science fair was wonderful. It included the magic of mathematics group, exclusive production of elephant toothpaste from the chemistry group, a magnetic levitation model and fountain of physics group, and many more. Through one day's visit and study, the teachers and students of the whole school learned to appreciate the unique charm of chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics and activities.


Three of the upcoming scientists who participated in the activity also talked about their own feelings about this exhibition:



AP10 韩胤海:

Science fair 是一次做之前让人提不起兴致,做完之后却意犹未尽,深陷在其中的经历。通过这次实验结识了很多学长学姐,他们做实验一丝不苟,精益求精,值得学习。

我做的是有关化学的实验 —— 大象牙膏。探究催化剂对实验速率的影响。我主要负责配置不同比例H2O2和水的混合液体。实验很成功,成员也很配合,我们一起合作完成了实验,也度过有意义的时光,我很享受这次活动。


AP 10 James:

Science Fair is a kind of activity that people can't get excited about before doing, but they can't get rid of after they finish it. Through this experiment, I got to know a lot of senior students. No matter what they do, they are meticulous and worthy of learning.

What I did was an experiment on Chemistry - Elephant toothpaste, an experiment to explore the effect of a catalyst on the experimental rate. I'm mainly responsible for mixing different proportions of H2O2 and water. The experiment was very successful, and the members cooperated very well. We finished the experiment together and had a very interesting time. I enjoyed this activity very much.



IB10 郑思雨:



IB 10 Iris:

I am a member of the physics group, in which my main job is to make posters.

First of all, I will analyze the experimental principle, and then make posters after analysis, which greatly improves my efficiency. On the other hand, in the process of drawing, I can further understand the knowledge. I also realized the importance of cooperation from the work. The biggest advantage of multi person cooperation is the clear division of labor, which can greatly improve the productive efficiency. With the help of students, the posters not only contain the principles of the experiment, but also contain the efforts of many people.


IB10 林钧浩:

此次science fair活动意义非凡,我们不仅在这次活动中学习到了更多自己学科相关的知识,同时也拓展了我们对各个领域的认知,更重要的是,此次科学展览也增进了同学之间的友谊。此外,科学展览注重的不单单是这门学科的知识、技能,更注意锻炼我们在生活中需要用到的技巧。例如语言交流,更清楚的表达自己,让别人很快就能理解我们的意思,也是很重要的。

IB 10 Junho:

This science fair activity is of great significance. We not only learned more knowledge about our own subjects, but also expanded our understanding of various fields. More importantly, this science fair also enhanced the friendship between students. In addition, science fair cultivates not only the knowledge and skills of this subject, but also the skills that our students need to use in life, such as language communication. It is also very important to express ourselves more clearly so that others can understand us quickly.



The science fair came to an end with laughter.